Sustainable Travel

Sustainable Travel

As identified within the site masterplan, public transport infrastructure will be provided within the site layout to support bus services to the site. Bus stops and associated infrastructure will be located along the spine road within the site to ensure that services are able to enter the site and that all of the proposed buildings associated with Phase 1 will be within an acceptable walking distance of 400m from a bus stop.

These facilities and their location have been approved as part of the submission of reserved matter details to support the site’s spine road. Service 2C has been identified as the most suitable service to be extended and serve those who travel to the site in line with the approximate shift schedules once the site is operational, which is agreed with North Northamptonshire Council.

This service would look to be further extended as the site expands, subject to agreement with the operator as part of a review process, a requirement within the site’s S106 agreement. Magna Park Corby has existing Cycling, running and walking routes that are incorporated into either perimeter landscaping, run along side infrastructure roads or follow routes within existing forest plantations.

The routes also connect onto the wider area and provide links into Corby town centre and public transport links.

Engagement platform by SEC Newgate UK